Social Return on Investment (SROI) compares the estimated social value of a programme to its cost. It provides a data-driven, comparable way to measure how you make a difference in people’s lives.
Find out how you could use the SROI framework to guide your investment decision-making through our introductory workshop.
A data-driven way to map the needs of your target community and re-think your impact measurement approach
Clarify the difference you want to make, the decision levers you can pull and what data could help inform these decisions.
Using the best available data and evidence, map the size and needs of those you are working with.
Develop data collection, analysis and reporting systems to enable ongoing impact measurement and use of data.
ImpactLab’s vision is to help create a world where investment works for communities, so that people can live the lives they choose. We work with the best available data and evidence to estimate social value in dollar terms – a metric that is measurable, consistent, and comparable. We build close relationships with our customers to understand them, and the needs of their communities, supporting them to do good, better.